Sunday, June 22, 2014

Review: Phisoderm Foaming Cleanser

I was looking for a cleanser since I wear a lot of makeup and my sensitive skin is prone to acne,  I went to my local drug store and found Phisoderm.  I remember using this a teenager years ago and I was never able to find it again when I ran out.  So when I found it, I decided to try it again.  

Phisoderm is like a lotion when you pour it into your hand and once applied to the face it foams up. You are to massage it into your skin for a deep clean.   One thing I noticed is that you have to keep it away from your eyes because it tends to irritate them. I found that out first hand when my eyes turned red.  

Another thing that I noticed is that it leaves your skin really smooth and soft. It clears up my existing acne by bringing the white heads to a head so they clear up relatively fast.   It has prevented any more acne from my face and I have not seen any blackheads appear since using Phisoderm.

Overall, I would recommend this product for acne prone skin.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014


Hi everyone,

I am Shannan a military wife and a mother of 4 children.  On this blog I will be posting reviews of items I receive and things about my life.  I hope you will enjoy my insight on different products I review.  

Some of the things I like are products for the home, makeup, fashion and books.  So look forward to reviews on this topic